Best YouTube Secrets, Tips & Tricks To Enjoy It

                                   Best YouTube Secrets, Tips & Tricks To Enjoy It

According to, about one lakh videos are watched on YouTube in every second, this shows how popular YouTube is around the world, YouTube has a huge store of videos, just search and watch, here Videos related to the topic are available, today we have brought you some such funny tricks of YouTube, you can be entertained as well as your work -

Shake you tube page

By the way, you use YouTube search to search videos, but if you enter Do the Harlem Shake title in the search bar, then you will start to shake the YouTube page.

Reduce or increase the video speed

The video playing in YouTube plays on its normal speed, but if you want to increase its speed or event, then click on the settings icon, here you will see the speed option, click on it on your favorite video. Play it

Play video in between

When YouTube buffering a video, it does it from the beginning, but if you want YouTube to buffer your favorite video from the middle of the moment, all you have to do is paste this code behind that video URL # t = 01m08s (in this code the red part is of the minute and the blue part is of the second) you can change it according to your own.

Remove edge verification

Even if something is right in YouTube, the video edge verification calls, if you want to watch those videos, only in YouTube's URL "watch?" Remove with "v =" and type "v /".

Play you tube like smart tv

Type into the address bar of your browser and enter. YouTube TV will open in your browser as soon as you enter. It can be run from your keyboard with great ease. No more mouse is needed. Use only S to search. Use G to open the TV guide and use Esc to get to the home page.

Make music player on you tube

Streamless is a player that rapidly plays YouTube videos like a music player despite a slow internet connection, in fact Streamless is a Chrome extension that you can download for free from the Chrome Web Store. It is a very powerful and user friendly extension.
