Eye tracking technology for mobile games

                                                Eye tracking technology for mobile games

In the last post, we told you how you can run your computer by speaking or you can run the computer with just the gesture of hands, apart from the information about the technology running the computer with the help of eye gestures. But a technology has come for the smartphone that you can run it without touching the phone -

Now you will have to run a smart phone by touching or using voice command, but if there is a technology that you do not have to touch the phone nor hurt your throat and you can use your phone or iPad with fun, There is a technology that Umoove company has developed, they have created a software that can track the motion of your eyes (umoove eye tracking) of your phone and that too Without any other hardware,It only uses the front camera of your phone. Although Facebook is already using face recognition technology, but you cannot play the game, but yes it can definitely create a password.

You will get new experiences in gaming
You will be able to operate the phone completely without touching it.
Physically challenged people will also be able to use technology
It will also be used in the medical field

Tags-eye tracking applications, eye tracking software, eye tracking device, eye tracking software, Powerful eye tracking software, Eye Tracking
