How to change case and round figure in excel

                                        How to change case and round figure in excel

In Excel, there are many Formula, but there are some Excel Formula which are very small and very useful, like these two Formula are Change Case and Round Figure, Change Case, you have got in ms word where Text is 5 way Change case is done Sentence case, lowercase, UPPERCASE, Capitalize each Word and tOGGLE cASE so let's know how to change change case and round figure in Excel

                                            How to change the case of text in Excel

1.To change the case in Excel, type the formula in the cell in front of whatever cell you have to                convert the text written in UPPERCASE -
2.= upper (cell name)
3.Suppose you have typed mybigguide in cell A1 and you want to convert it to UPPERCASE, then       you will have to type
5.Similarly, to convert text to lowercase in Excel, you need to type this Formula
6.=lower(cell name)
                                              How to Round Figures in Excel

1.Suppose you have 25.75 figure in A1 cell and you want to convert it to Round Figures, then for           this you have to type Formula
3.If you do this, the digits after the decimal are less than 50, then this result will be 25 and if there         are more than 50, then the result will be 26.

Tag - How to round a range of cells in Excel, how to use round function in excel with formula, Ways to Change from Lowercase to Uppercase in Excel
