New Virtual Reality (WebVR) feature in Google Chrome

                              New Virtual Reality (WebVR) feature in Google Chrome

Virtual Reality, this new feature has recently been added to Google Chrome, what is new in this,lets check it-amazing technology.

Now soon you will be able to enjoy Virtual Reality in your web browser and Google Chrome has initiated it, the process is in use, soon it will be completely in your midst, tell you that right now Not all smartphones support virtual reality, but with this new use of Google Chrome "Chrome Experiments for Virtual Reality", your mobile phone will turn into a virtual reality device. For this, you will need a new version of Google Chrome browser and a Google Cardboard or virtual reality headset.


WebVR is an experimental JavaScript that gives you the freedom to browse the Internet through a Virtual Reality (WebVR) device, if you want to experience WebVR, go to and click on "LAUNCH EXPERIMENT".

Benefits Of WebVR

WebVR will change the way you browse a website, you can browse any website on Chrome through a Virtual Reality (WebVR) device, where all the information will be seen floating in the air around your face, In the coming times, you can do any search through VR, it will literally give a new direction to the Internet.

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