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What Is LibreOffice ?

                                                                 What Is LibreOffice ?

What is Libre Office? Why is it important to know about LibreOffice and LibreOffice has also been included in the Syllabus of CCC Course. What are the special things in LibreOffice that make it different from Microsoft Office? After all, why the government chose Libre Office for the CCC Exam, in this post, we are going to complete the complete information about LibreOffice and the important facts related to it.

If you are applying for a Government Job, then you must do a Computer Course "Course On Computer Concept" which is called "Course on Computer Concept" in Hindi. LibreOffice has been added to the CCC syllabus for some years. If you are going to give the CCC exam exam then you should know the answers to all the important questions related to Libre Office.

What is libre office?
Libre Office is an Office Suite just like Microsoft Office but LibreOffice is absolutely free. It is an Open Source Software. This means that LibreOffice can be downloaded free from its official website ""

LibreOffice works on all types of GUI Based Operating Systems like Microsoft Windows, Linux, Apple Mac OS etc. Libre Office has a Libreoffice Writer for Word Processing like Microsoft Word. Similarly Libreoffice calc and Power in place of Microsoft Excel Libreoffice Impress in place of Point, Libreoffice base in place of Microsoft access. Also Libreoffice draw for drawing drawing. Also, if you have to write Mathematical Equation, for this it also includes Libreoffice math program.

History of LibreOffice - History of LibreOffice
LibreOffice has been developed by The Document Foundation. It was first launched on 25 January 2011. LibreOffice Programming is done in C Plus Plus Java and Python Programming Languages. It is a completely free and open source software.

Components of Libre Office suite

1.Libreoffice writer
2.Libreoffice calc
3.Libreoffice impress
4.Libreoffice base
5.Libreoffice draw
6.Libreoffice math

What is Libreoffice Writer?

Libreoffice has a program called "Libreoffice Writer", similar to the MS Word of MS Office. Libreoffice Writer is a Word Processor programmed to edit, format and print any document that contains all the options that a Word Processor should have. File extension of Libreoffice Writer is ".odt"

Other examples of Word processor are -
Ms word
Open office
Google Document

What is libreoffice calc?

Like MS Excel in MS Office, Libreoffice has a program called "Libreoffice Calc". Libreoffice is a Calc Spread Sheet Program, which works to open, create, edit, format, calculate and print numerical data in Tabular Format. As you know, Excel in Microsoft Office is a Spreadsheet software in the same way that Libreoffice has "Calc "A Spreadsheet Software is all the work you can do in Microsoft excel. All the work you can do in" Libreoffice Calc "File Extension of Libreoffice Calc is" .ods "

Other examples of spreadsheet software are -
Microsoft Excel
Google Spreadsheet

What is libreoffice impress?

Libreoffice Impress program has been added to Libreoffice in the same way as Microsoft Power Point to create Slide Show for Office Presentation in Microsoft Office. Information through Libreoffice Impress is presented via Graphics and Multimedia Libreoffice Impress has a file extension of ".odp"

Other examples of Slide Show Software are -
Microsoft power point
Google Slide

Difference between Microsoft Office and LibreOffice

1.LibreOffice is a free and open source software
2.For Microsoft Office you have to buy, for this you have to pay monthly or annual fee.
3.LibreOffice works in all types of operating systems.
4.Microsoft Office only works in Windows and Apple OS operating systems
Using both software is almost the same
5.When Microsoft Office Suite is downloaded, different links are given for its application.
A dashboard of LibreOffice has been provided from where you can view and run all the applications simultaneously.
6.LibreOffice is updated more frequently than Microsoft Office, so that new features are added to the software every two to three months.
7.Because Microsoft Office is expensive, very few people buy and pirated versions of Microsoft Office can damage your computer.
8.LibreOffice is updated from time to time and does not have piracy because it is free and is an open source software, so it does not harm your computer and is easily accessible to everyone.
9.The application size of LibreOffice is also very small which you can easily download
10.LibreOffice works well even when your computer's RAM and processor are low.

So hope you have understood why LibreOffice is being given such importance and why it is being emphasized to be used in government offices also.
